Mixed Media > Tract

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fifty romance and mystery novels
8 1/2 x 4 x 1/2 ft.

tract, pulp, fiction, pulp fiction, EEG, book, bookworks, cut, paperbacks, altered, alter, altered book, altered bookwork, bookworks, unique, one of a kind, cut paper, facebook, political art, installation, book, vimeo, video, animation, stop motion, docu
romance and mystery novels
4 ft. x 8 ft. x 3 in.
tract, pulp, fiction, pulp fiction, EEG, book, bookworks, cut, paperbacks, altered, alter, altered book, altered bookwork, bookworks, unique, one of a kind, cut paper, facebook, political art, installation, book, vimeo, video, animation, stop motion, docu
romance and mystery novels
4 ft. x 8 ft. x 3 in.
tract, pulp, fiction, pulp fiction, EEG, book, bookworks, cut, paperbacks, altered, alter, altered book, altered bookwork, bookworks, unique, one of a kind, cut paper, facebook, political art, installation, book, vimeo, video, animation, stop motion, docu
romance and mystery novels
4 ft. x 8 ft. x 3 in.

The books for Tract were cut in the fall of 2001 that used approximately fifty paperbacks—all pulp fiction—sliced into one-inch strips. The acidified paper has turned brown with age. The installation winds and cascades across the floor like a meandering river, an EEG wave, or, of course, the gastrointestinal tract. Gravity holds the pages together in this fragile formation.